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The Swiss Federal Archives (SFA) provide the Linked Data Service LINDAS.

This service includes a set of tools for publishing and using Linked Data.

Through LINDAS, Swiss authorities can make their data available in the form of Knowledge Graphs. This can be done for open government data (Linked Open Data) aimed at the general public as well as for data internal to the administration.

The following video gives a good insight into the basic possibilities of LINDAS:


Contact points and persons involved

General Contact: LINDAS Support

Product Manager: Claudio Di Gallo

Technical Support:

History of LINDAS

LINDAS was built between 2017 and 2020 in the Linked Data Platform project of the Federal Archives (SFA) with the support of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and in close collaboration with the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN). The SFA is responsible for further development and operation.